How Probiotics Can Help With Constipation - How To Use Probiotics For Digestion Relief

probiotics and constipation

Struggling to get things moving downstairs? At risk of bursting a blood vessel as you strain on the throne?

In that case, you might be on the lookout for things that can combat constipation. Fortunately, there are quite a few different options here, from over-the-counter fiber solutions, to ‘home remedies’ like prunes and prune juice that you can find in your homes cupboards.

But one option you might not be aware of is probiotics. And this is a big shame, considering that probiotics for constipation may be the solution that lasts longterm. In fact, healthy flora is a generally overlooked aspect of many diets and of our health in general, so read on and learn how to improve your gut health significantly by treating the underlying problem (your flora) instead of just trying to treat the symptoms of bathroom difficulty. 

Note* If you're just looking for the "solution" that we recommend and don't care about learning about the whole thing, then here is our recommended probiotic supplement for constipation. It actually is more than just a probiotic, as it also contains pre-biotics (to help the good bacteria grow naturally) as a few natural mild laxatives that promote healthy flora.

What Are Probiotics?

Probiotics are bacteria that occur naturally within the gastrointestinal tract or GI. These are a part of the digestive system and are responsible for range of important tasks. There are an estimated 100 trillion bacteria inside each and every person making up the micro-biome. You can think of these little guys as your essential sidekicks in life. Much like honey bee's can't survive without flowers, we can't survive without our micro-biome. 

So what do these bacteria do? For one, probiotics can help to neutralize and eradicate the bad bacteria that causes infection and illness. An estimated 80% of our immune system is located in our guy. At the same time though, they also help with the production of enzymes to break down our foods and they even produce important nutrients and neurochemicals that can fortify our general health and impact on our moods. This gut ‘flora’ is actually one of the reasons that we so often hear people claim that the gut is the ‘second brain’ (that and a surprisingly large number of neurons down there!).

But what of probiotics and constipation?

probiotics for constipation

Well, just as having the right bacteria in your gut can help produce enzymes to help with the digestion of food, bacteria found in the intestines and colon in particular can help to break down stool into more manageable sizes that will pass through more easily. This can also help to combat dehydration, which can lead to moisture being drawn out of the stool making it harder and more difficult to pass.

What’s more is that when you have too much bad bacteria compared with the good bacteria, this can actually cause a range of bowel problems and notably gas! Note as well that when probiotics are used in the gut to break down food, this actually helps to make it more manageable right from the start too.

Why You Might Need More Probiotics

This is why probiotics for constipation is such an effective option. But you might be wondering at this point why you would need extra probiotics when you know that probiotics are naturally occurring?

One answer is that our modern diets aren’t particularly good at maintaining this crucial balance. Not only are many of us dehydrated a lot of the time but we also eat large amounts of sugar which can ‘feed’ the bad bacteria and thereby lead to a negative balance.

probiotics for gut health

Another issue is that many medications can actually ruin the balance of gut flora. Particularly bad for this of course are antibiotics, which work by killing off pretty much all bacteria. Because you swallow most antibiotics, that means that the first place they’re going to act is on the stomach where they will destroy both the bad and the good bacteria. This leaves you with nothing to help with the breaking down of food, with the absorption or production of nutrients or with your digestion and bowel movements generally and it can therefore lead to a range of health problems and discomfort.

The Best Probiotic Supplements For Constipation

probiotics for constipation


Probiotics supplements will often come in capsule or powder form and are usually comprised of liquids that have an optimal combination of different strains of helpful bacteria. When you consume these capsules or powders, the bacteria can be released into your GI tract where they can get to work and go about their business.

What’s important to recognize though is that some of the little critters can be killed on their journey into your stomach by heat or by the process of swallowing. Make sure that you keep your supplements in the fridge and read around to select the best products that have the most positive reviews.

Otherwise, you can also get probiotics from certain foods that have been allowed to develop natural, health ‘cultures’ of bacteria. A good example of this is yogurt and you can buy a large number of yogurt products that have actually been fortified with additional healthy bacteria, but be aware that yogurt doesn't really have the highest concentration of bacteria, and some will have minor digestive issues with dairy.

probiotic foods for constipation

Another good source of probiotics is to consume fermented foods, such as sauerkraut or pickles.

Other Treatments for Constipation

To get the most from probiotics for constipation, you should also combine this with the use of other positive behaviors and remedies. Drinking plenty of water is the most important thing you can do here as very often constipation is actually caused by dehydration. At the same time, consider upping your intake of fiber which will pass through our digestive system and encourage movement. As mentioned, eating prunes is a particularly good way to get more soluble and insoluble fiber and to benefit from a range of other active ingredients too.

You can also try to encourage healthy bowel movements by drinking caffeine. Caffeine is a natural laxative and if you consume a few cups of coffee, you might well find that things start to move down there. Do make sure to add even more water in this case however, as caffeine is also diuretic and can leave you even more dehydrated.

Finally, try to stay relaxed and to take some time out. Stress causes us to contract our muscles, even those in the intestines. Try taking a warm bath and maybe some valerian root. This will relax the muscle tissue while the warmth and the water might help to stimulate a little movement.

If none of this works however, then be sure to see your doctor and rule out any more serious causes.


Need Some Help Enhancing Your Overall Health?

Then check out some of our cutting-edge supplements, scientifically engineered to help you become healthy and stay healthy for as long as possible:

Resveratrol + Pterostilbene has been shown to promote healthy aging, cognitive, memory and motor function.

CinnaTrax™ provides Ceylon Cinnamon, which can help you promote healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels, with antioxidant properties for a healthy heart.

Or use Pterostilbene to promote healthy aging, brain health, cognitive function and DNA repair.

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