Does NZT 48 From Limitless Really Exist? — What's the Closest Thing in Real Life?

Imagine if you could take 1 pill and go from using 20% of your brain to 100%. Is there really a pill that can make you the perfect version of yourself? Can you really become sharper, more focused, and infinitely productive with just one dose? It sounds like fiction, but science may be closer than ever to finding the real-life NZT 48.

What would you do if you could use 100% of your brain?

Would you learn a new language every week? Become a prolific writer? Outwit the stock market for millions? Bradley Cooper did all of that and still found time to take his private jet full of models to his mansion in paradise. But is there really a pill that can make you limitless?

It might not make you superhuman, but science may have found the closest thing to NZT 48. This guide covers everything you need to know about brain-enhancing nootropics, including Modafinil—a “smart drug” that could help make you, well, Limitless.

What is NZT 48?

searching for real-life nzt-48

“I was blind but now I see” - Eddie Morra in Limitless (played by Bradley Cooper)

NZT 48 is a mysterious designer drug that awakens dormant powers in the human brain, turning whoever takes it into a superhuman version of themselves. Supposedly, it lets you go from using 20% of your brain to 100%.

In the movie Limitless, it turns Eddie Morra, a struggling writer and lifelong underachiever (#toomeIRL), into the perfect version himself and the man he always wanted to be. He instantly overcomes writer’s block and finishes his novel nearly overnight. He learns new languages faster than we could even learn how to pronounce them correctly. He analyzes data like a quantum computer and outwits the stock market for millions.

Just one dose a day is enough to unlock new levels of productivity, creativity, and analytical ability and transform him from a starving author to a politician that dates supermodels and befriends business moguls (Why did Robert De Niro accept this role?).

Of course, all of this leads to some nasty consequences…but that’s not important now.

All that matters is turning you into a human supercomputer that lives on a private island.

Limitless and Nootropics - Why Are so Many People Taking “Smart Drugs” Now?

Nootropics definitely aren’t a new thing, but Limitless created a thirst for these cognitive enhancers that sent neurohackers on a quest to find the real-life NZT 48.

Who doesn’t want to be more productive, sharper, and wittier? And we all wish we were cool enough to hang with supermodels. Hell, we’d be honored if Robert De Niro cared enough about us to spend 5 minutes threatening our lives on a street corner (our email is on the contact page, Rob!).

The thing that makes Eddie relatable is that he’s so much more than a poor writer. He’s the embodiment of the struggle of living in a world where we’re bombarded with images of perfection and super-achievement: most of us are average, and coming to grips with that is HARD.

But, what if we didn’t have to be average? What if there really were substances that could enhance our brains and make us limitless, or at least as limitless as realistically possible?

Nootropics—especially Modafinil—are the closest you can get to the real NZT 48. They won’t make you Eddie Morra, but science has shown that they can enhance cognitive function, boost productivity, and even support memory. With enhanced cognitive function, you benefit from a sharper mind, more mental juice to get things done, and better retention and analytical ability.

What Can Nootropics Really Do For You?

do nootropics work

Nootropics are brain-boosting substances that help you fight back against neurodegeneration, and keep that big jerk of a brain in check so he stops forgetting where you put your keys or forces you to say “put food on your family” in front of 10,000 people.

There is strong evidence that nootropics can improve executive function, memory, creativity, and focus. They may even help boost your motivation and help you achieve goals you desire but don’t have the mental juice for. Think of them like mild cognitive steroids, except they give your brain big muscles and bulging veins rather than your arms.

Everyone from students to overworked medical professionals report that nootropics help give a needed boost when their brains are in “BLEHHHHHHH” mode.

Actually, NZT 48 is supposedly based on a nootropic called Modafinil. It’s the closest thing we’ve got to a Limitless-like brain enhancer.

The curiosity sparked by Limitless inspired a wave of research into nootropics’ effect on our brains, and the results have been inspiring!

Here’s more about the fascinating real-life NZT 48 and its powerful effects on your brain’s performance.

Modafinil: The Closest Thing to a Real-Life NZT 48

Modafinil won’t turn you into Stephen Hawking or Rain Man (or Eddie), but it’s the closest thing we’ve got.

If you’re looking for a cognitive enhancer that gives you a quick brain boost, “Moda” is exactly what you’re looking for. The thing that makes it perfect for neurohackers is that it works FAST and without the typical downside of “drugs.”

It keeps producing results in controlled studies. There is strong evidence that it may:

  • Fight fatigue and keep you alert: In an effort to support anecdotal evidence of Modafinil’s ability to keep you awake, it was administered to mice in a lab. This led to a “long-lasting, dose-dependent increase in wakefulness after Modafinil administration” [1].
  • Improve focus and attention: You don’t have to be suffering from anything to benefit from Moda. In one compelling study, a group of 18 healthy individuals was given either Moda or a placebo and subject to a battery of cognitive tests. The Moda group exhibited improvements in reaction, vigilance, fatigue levels, and motivation [2].
  • Boost memory and enhance decision making: 200 mg of Modafinil led to significant improvements in memory, planning, and decision making as well as increased enjoyment in otherwise healthy youth [3].
  • Improve wellbeing and enhance mood: In another fascinating study on military personnel during 64 hours of continuous work, Modafinil led to clear improvements of mood, fatigue, and logical reasoning compared to a placebo [4].
  • Is Modafinil Safe?

    Yes. Unlike other brain-enhancing drugs, it is not a stimulant, is not addictive, and has not produced serious side effects in any study.

    It’s actually a wakefulness-promoting agent that has a number of interesting effects on different areas of your brain. That means you get a ton of awesome brain-steroid benefits and none of the typical drawbacks.

    What to Expect When Taking Modafinil

    Modafinil won’t turn you into a limitless superhuman brain god. But it will help boost cognitive ability in 1-2 hours. That’s actually why everyone loves it so much. Unlike most nootropics that take months of repeated use to optimize your natural cognitive systems, Modafinil directly affects different areas of your brain and interacts with dopamine, histamine, and other important substances that play heavily into your ability to speak, think, remember, dream, and focus.

    Don’t expect it to make you “smarter.” It’s supposed to make you feel more focused, energetic, and driven to get S*** done along with giving you greater creative capacity.

    Personally, it puts us into overdrive, focusing us in on the task and blocking out any distractions. You know that feeling when things start to get hard and you just want to quit? Modafinil lets us SMASH through that. But not everyone reacts the same way.

    Are There More Brain-Boosting Supplements?

    Modafinil isn’t the only nootropic brain supplement. Your brain is a complex neuroscape; it’s the greatest miracle in all of creation. There’s no one single supplement that will turn you into a Marvel Super Genius.

    Each nootropic has its own specific benefits, side effects, and synergistic properties with other nootropics. Instead of wearing mildly unsettling tights, consider taking these brain-boosters to unleash your inner Professor X:

  • Uridine: Stimulates the production of CDP Choline, which encourages synapse growth. The more synapses and connections you generate, the more your brain can partake in the miracle of thought.
  • Alpha GPC: Speaking of Choline, Alpha GPC is the most potent CDP Choline enhancer. It also supports lean muscle and athletic performance, inching you closer to your goal of starring in a Marvel movie (you literally have 0 chance).
  • Omega 3’s: Omega-3 fatty acids encourage membrane permeability and enhance cognitive function.
  • Piracetam: Supports healthy memory and focus via the production of acetylcholine.
  • Ashwagandha: By far the coolest name on the list, Ashwagandha’s main benefit is supporting mood and regulating stress via the production of cortisol. In one study, Ashwagandha decreased cortisol by 28% and anxiety levels by 72% [5].
  • Nootropics Are Just One Piece of the Puzzle

    Your mind is a complex system of intricately interwoven systems, synapses, and neurons with each scintillating connection both answering questions and deepening new mysteries.

    In English, we’re trying to say your mind is infinitely complex and no single pill is going to make you a super genius. If you want optimal results, you must optimize your health. Eat healthily, rest, avoid stress, and exercise. Only then can nootropics help take you to the next level.

    If you want extra cognitive support and a fast brain boost, nootropics like Modafinil are the answer. If you want long-term brain health, you have to live an optimized lifestyle.



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